
Curricular Aims



Language & Literary: (Reading & Writing; including Public Speaking, Debating; Learning other Languages)

Mathematics & Numeracy: (Development of mathematical concepts and numeracy across the curriculum)

Science Technology: (Enquiry, logical thinking and concern for accuracy and precision, Skills of imploring & exploring, inventive skills

Arts: (Art, Drama, Music, Graphics, Aesthetics, Spatial skills)

The World Around Us: (Focusing on the development of knowledge, skills, and understanding & learning in Geography, History, Science & Technology)

Personal & Social Development: (Develop intra personal, inter personal & semi personal communication skills. Emotional development, social skills, learning to learn, learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be. Social ability, group competence, team dynamics, health, relationships, making responsible choices, mutual understanding in the local and global community)

Physical Education: (focusing on the development of knowledge, skills and understanding through a range of physical activities)

Support Services

Student Welfare : Pastoral Care; Student Involvement Program Guidance: Individual/ Group Counseling; Career Guidance Program

IDEAL Graduate

Caring Compassionate and responsible citizens

Confident Leaders with courage of convictions

Competent Creative and critical thinkers


Cross-Curricular Skills: Communication; Using/Applying Mathematics; Using Information and Communication Technology.
Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities: Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making (Critical Thinking); Self-management;Relating and working with others; Making Responsible Choices; Being Creative, Peer Management, Team building.


Singhania Public School was founded on 11 June, 2007 by Shri Harshpati Singhania with a small unit. To accommodate the growing numbers, the school moved to a new campus in 2010, where we are presently located. The school now has over 500 students from several backgrounds, all studying together as one big family. It has indeed grown, in name and number. The students are offered a wide range of subjects. The primary section has progressed to a very potential senior school and as the vision continues to take off, we now move on to greater heights.

The school’s objective is best expressed through its mission statement of attempting to create competent, caring and confident students through its Endeavour for holistic education. Our students actively support social issues like environment, literacy, relief and endeavor to become leaders in their own right. Such an all-rounded system of education has helped Singhania Public school to be on the right path towards excellence.

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Best school in Gujarat

Singhania Public School
C/O J K Paper Ltd CPM Colony,
       Fort Songadh Dist-Tapi (Gujarat)
       Pin : 394660

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